Embark on a journey in the Eastern Reaches of the future universe with “Pickpockets,” a gripping dystopian prelude to an impending interstellar war. Join Perio, a freelance pilot, as he steels his nerves for the ultimate heist, aiming for his most monumental target to date. Armed with a personal history fraught with war and combat expertise, can he defy the insurmountable odds that stand in his way? In this high-stakes game, failure means death, leaving success as the only viable path forward.
Are you ready to soar amidst the stars, navigating high-tech space combat and facing relentless challenges? “Pickpockets” beckons you to join Perio on his adventure.
About This Book:
“Pickpockets” promises an adrenaline-pumping narrative, offering:
- A Daring Cosmic Heist: Witness a freelance pilot’s audacious quest to beat the odds.
- Unyielding Challenges: Brace yourself for a relentless onslaught of obstacles that test Perio’s resilience, wits, and determination, pushing the boundaries of his post-human capability.
- Grit and Determination: Experience the sheer grit and determination that drive Perio to confront danger head-on, defying fate to carve his destiny.
- Hope in the Void: Discover the glimmer of hope that illuminates even the darkest corners of the galaxy, reminding us that amidst chaos, resilience prevails.
Prepare to be catapulted into a realm of galactic intrigue and warfare. Grab your copy of “Pickpockets” today and join Perio on a perilous voyage where survival is a victory in itself.
Seize the opportunity to experience the thrills of space combat. Order your copy of “Pickpockets” now and buckle up for an electrifying journey through the cosmos.
Format: eBook
Published: 2023