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Chitterfield (Print)


Space Horror, Cyberpunk, Dark Dystopia

Deira signed up a heist that won’t just try to kill her. It will hunt her.

Availability: 10 in stock

Prepare to be thrust into the depths of madness and an unyielding struggle for survival in Chitterfield, a novella that blurs the boundaries of reality. Time works differently in this spacestation. Deira Kleine, a daring thief, signed up for a heist that promised anything but pleasantness. Are he rewards worth losing her sanity? Her life?

As the cold embrace of the universe threatens to engulf her, Deira grapples with the dark dystopia of her universe and the true nature of her voyage. The thin line between reality and hallucination blurs. Can she distinguish between the perils lurking outside and the demons within her mind?

The only guiding light she has, the red rings on her shoulders and the knowledge of time running out.

Format: Print (softcover)
Published: (Available) July 2024

Weight .45 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 1 in
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Chitterfield (Print)

Availability: 10 in stock